Be driven: determined to succeed; highly energetic and motivated.

Zealous is an all inclusive automotive crew bringing like minded individuals together to escape the rigors of everyday life.  Whether someone is interested in heavily modifying their vehicle, attending car shows or just wants to enjoy a drive with friends, this may be a great outlet and extra curricular activity for you.  

Zealous was established in December of 2022 to foster creative control, and inspiration among it's members.  We are based in Vermont but have members in New Jersey and Florida.  

Zealous has no fee or extensive requirements other than being respectful to the community, and crew members.  Respect to us means showing support for other members or non-member's builds and whatever stage of the process said builds may be in.  Networking, sharing knowledge and social media content is what drives this culture and crew.  Our members do not take part in takeovers or excessive automotive related behavior unless otherwise permitted at a location specific area.

Zealous is interested in everyone's goals and visions for their vehicles as it requires time, money, and hard work to accomplish said goals.  We will do what we can to offer support, and assistance along the way. 

 Zealous Leadership

"A warrior is worthless unless he rises above others and stands strong in the midst of a storm."

-Yamamoto Tsunetomo-